Hans Blumenberg’s Hermeneutik Conference
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 4:00pm
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HQ 276, 320 York Street, New Haven, CT
This conference is hybrid. It will be held in person in HQ 276 and on Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/j/9653298720 (link is external)
- 9:30 Introduction
- 10:00 Petra Gehring, “Der Blumenberg-Gadamer Briefwechsel”
- 12:00 Rüdiger Campe, “History of Ideas and Phenomenological Theory: Hermeneutical Layering in Blumenberg (and Cassirer)”
- 1:00 PAUSE
- 2:00 Johannes Bungenstab, “Es ist kein Angebot zu zweifeln am Text. Zu den Grundlagen von Hans Blumenbergs Hermeneutik”
- 3:00 Kirk Wetters, “Hermeneutic Keywords: Rezeption, Wirkung, Applikation, Verstehen”
If you plan to attend in person, please register with: suzanne.al-labban@yale.edu (link sends e-mail)
Susanna al-Labban