Michael Wendler

Areas of Interest

Roman Historiography, Ancient Monarchies, Early Roman Empire, Roman Imperial Succession(s)


Michael completed his studies in History and Latin Philology (with a focus on secondary education) at the University of Konstanz, earning his Second State Examination in 2020. During his preparatory service, he also obtained a qualification in “Deutsch als Zweitsprache” (DaZ). In his dissertation project, funded by a doctoral scholarship from the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg, he explores succession discourses and dynamics in the Early Roman Empire (27 B.C. – 68 A.D.). His thesis examines the tensions arising from an increasingly institutionalized autocracy coupled with the absence of clear succession regulations. By shifting focus from successful to unsuccessful successors, he aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of power succession dynamics in Early Imperial Rome through the methodical collection and analysis of these ‘failed’ successions.

Michael is visiting the Yale German Department as a Baden-Württemberg Exchange Scholar.