Recent Graduates

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Lorenz Hegel (combined Film & Media Studies)
Cinema After Revolution(s): Reproduction, Communication, Affect (1917/1968)
Current Position: Lecturer, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Benjamin Heller
Realismus und Kritik – Zum Ursprung des Bürgerlichen Realismus aus der Literaturgeschichte
Current Position: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, University of Tübingen

Theresa Kauder
Allegories of Seeing from German Romanticism to (Post-)Cinematic Media Art: Novalis, Wim Wenders, Peter Handke, and Matthew Barney

Netta Sovinsky
On Unperformable Plays and the Metaphysics of the Stage: Hölderlin and Kleist
Current Position: Lecturer, Yale University


Sophie Duvernoy
The Shape of Things: Reading Culture Through Form in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany


Cecilia Sebastian
Critical Theory in Revolt: Angela Davis, Rudi Dutschke, Hans-Jürgen Krahl and the Frankfurt School, 1964-1972


Maximilian Chaoulideer
Figuring Collectivity in the Age of Climate Crisis
Current Position: ACLS Leading Edge Fellow, Project Equity

Irina Kogan
Taking Sides with the World: Between Politics and Poetics from 1794 to 1960
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Colgate University

Tobias Kuehne
Living and Judging: Studies in Pragmatic Reasoning in Philosophy, Literature, and Law
Current Position: Judicial Law Clerk, US Court of Appeals

Ido Lewitt (combined Film & Media Studies)
Toward a Media-Technological Approach to Films: Meaning-Making, Objects, and Procedures
Current Position: Faculty Member, Tel Aviv University, The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television

Thiti Owlarn
Rethinking Aesthetic Humanism: Schiller after Rancière and Agamben


Aron Alber
The Bourgeois Animal: The Critique of Cultivation in Hoffmann, Nietzsche, and Kafka
Current Position: Writer, Editor, Translator, & Writing Coach (

Julia Gutterman
Spielarten des Heimlichen: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff wiedergelesen mit Walter Benjamin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Virginia


Ole Hinz
Die Epoche der Zeitgenossen. Zur historischen Gegenwart von Hegel und Marx bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
Current Position: DAAD-Lector, University of Oxford

Regina Karl
Manipulations: The Hand as Symbol and Symptom in the Arts and Literature after 1900
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Rutgers University

Susan Morrow
Schematism: Poetics on The Way to Kant, 1760–1790
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Princeton University


Adrian Renner
Erzähltes Leben: Zufall und Möglichkeit im biographischen Roman 1730-1830
Current Position: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, University of Hamburg

Elisa Ronzheimer
Poetologien des Rhyhmus. Versformen um 1800 (Klopstock, Hölderlin, Novalis, Tieck, Goethe)
Current Position: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, University of Bielefeld

Nadine Schwakopf
Poetry Unbound: Sounding the Language of Materiality in the Works of Man Ray, Henri
Chopin and Gerhard Rühm - A Reading through Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Merleau-Ponty
and Kittler
Current Position: Lecturer, Harvard University

Will Stovall
Prospect for a Lifeworld Interface: A Dissertation on the Institutional Imagination of Jürgen Habermas
Current Position: Artist, Lou Stovall Workshop


Joshua Alvizu
Montage Praxis: Militant Modernism and the German-Soviet Avant-Garde
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

Janett Buell
Body, Space, Interaction: Notions of Human Experience in North American and German Media Theory and Popular Culture

Florian Fuchs
The Afterlife of Ars Topica: On the Pragmatism and Agency of Short Narrative Forms
Current Position: Research Scholar & Lecturer, Princeton University

Jason Kavett
Figures of the Fleeting in Gryphius and Celan: A Study on the Return of the Baroque in Modernity
Current Position: RFP Manager, Lazard Frères Gestion


Patrick Reagan
The Contested Community: European Auteur Cinema at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Current position: Post-production Supervisor, CBS


Anna Hunt
Taking the World by Storm: Forgiveness in Walter Benjamin’s Early Works
Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Alexander Gardner
Citation in the Realm of the Deed: Readings of Heine, Buechner, and Celan
Current Position: Instructional Faculty, Santa Monica College

Hans Lind
Regime der Aisthesis. Zur Medialitaet der Zauberfloete. Schikaneder. Goethe. Walser. Bergman

Jan Claas van Treeck
Walter Serner-Hochstapler: Ein Moderne-Verfahren
Current position: Professor, Hochschule Fresenius Hamburg

Martin Wagner
Narrate, Describe, or Observe: Scientific Observation and Narrations of the Visual from Alain-René Lesage to Arthur Conan Doyle
Current position: Associate Professor of German, University of Calgary


Manuel Clemens
The Labyrinth of Aesthetic Solitude. A Small Theory of Bildung
Current position: University of Vechta, Department of Cultural Studies