Funding Opportunities

Max Kade Summer Travel Award

The Max Kade Summer Travel Award is made possibly by a generous grant from the Max Kade Foundation of New York. Participants in Yale summer travel programs (Berlin, Baden-Württemberg) may apply for the Max Kade Award in the Fall term after their travel. The award is meant to defray the cost of travel, but may not cover all expenses incurred. The travel award is guaranteed for all program participants so long as application materials are submitted by the deadline.

Contact German Marion Gehlker,, or the DUS with questions.

Max Kade Graduate Study and Travel Award Application

Graduate students must contact the department with your intent to apply BEFORE traveling. See graduate summer study program for more information.

Eligible students will be contacted in the fall after their summer travel and asked to submit an application form (PDF found at the bottom of this page) and travel documentation.

Any student who does not submit by the deadline will forfeit their award eligibility.

Yale Funding Opportunities

Non-Yale Funding Opportunities

German Academic Exchange Service at the DAAD